
Did your life come with a book of formulas and instructions for using them? Formulas for dealing with any life situation, be it physical, mental or spiritual?

I know mine didn't. I mean, when I was born I wasn't given some big book of magic formulas to make my life easier.  Once my grandmother died, however, I did receive a large recipe book with lots of scraps of paper with a variety of things written on them. Tips and hints for running a smooth household, home remedies and of course, wonderful recipes for delicious food.

In the past, family receipt books were commonplace. These large books were written by ordinary housewives and sometimes men or doctors who were under the assumption they knew how to run a household and advised women accordingly. These family receipt books contained everything from how to make candles, to how to cook and to how to cure livestock from diseases. They also contained home remedies for treating the family for many common illnesses of the day, because most people could not afford to go to a doctor or have a doctor visit. So, it was the Mother's place to learn these things and take care of the family. Moms were the family doctor.

During the 1800s, we see many of these receipt books published for the general public. These books became a primary way of passing down common folk knowledge to subsequent generations.

Within plantation households, slave masters often relied on the herbal curing knowledge of the slave men and women - the rootdoctors - for healing illnesses that were not considered major illnesses. In fact, many times the slave remedies were recorded in these receipt books without acknowledging the source of the knowledge.

Conjuring potions is a highly individual art that is governed by skill, creativity, intelligence, intuition, and spirituality. The first of these attributes, skill, is something that is acquired as a result of practice and redundancy. The rootworker becomes good at whatever task they are practicing because it is done time and again.

One of the oldest folk remedies is the herbal liniment. Liniments have been used for thousands of years, harnessing the natural and medicinal qualities of certain plants for the external treatment of certain conditions. An herbal liniment is a medicinal liquid formulated with herbs in a base of ordinary rubbing alcohol or Witch Hazel, or made into a salve using a light oil base. A good therapeutic liniment is effective for conditions like sore and inflamed muscles and joints, relief from arthritis and rheumatism and circulation problems, for example.

Many times, an herb or root used in a folk remedy also possesses magical properties and is ideal for use in rootwork. Solomon's Seal (polygonatum biflorum)for example, has fabulous medicinal properties and equally as fabulous magical properties. Medicinally, it works well as a liniment for tightening or loosening tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints.  It is a valuable connective tissue anti-inflammatory, and is known to help moderate the symptoms of osteoarthritis and repetitive use injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. Magically, Solomon's Seal root is associated with all things success, to gain wisdom, ward off evil and contain or "seal" harmful energy. In our Folk Magic Formulary: Oils, Ointments, and Liniments course, we focus on many such herbs with this dual medicinal/magical capacity and teach our students how to create formulas from them to enhance and improve their daily lives.




"Practical conjure formulas that work."

"I am a spiritual worker; but, I am also a skeptic. I only teach what I know works." ~ Denise M. Alvarado

I have worked with countless individuals in a number of settings for many different conditions using folk magic and folk medicine remedies. From helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions, to empowering individuals with emotional issues and low self-esteem, to getting rid of negative people and creating abundance, I have been on the front lines of life learning and teaching about southern conjure for more than 40 years. And in this course, I pass on this knowledge to you. Information that is well beyond the basics.


“This class was very informative, easy to comprehend & I enjoyed it so much, I always looked forward to what was next! I love what I learned & I gathered so much great info, it was well worth the price, time & effort. I highly recommend this class to anyone with an interest in this subject. Denise Alvarado is a knowledgeable & accomplished teacher- my first choice.” — Roxanna C.

“Full of information you didn't know you needed. This course gives a thorough history in the world of incense and the use of hoodoo powders and dusts in the Southern rootwork tradition. The hands-on assignments really help you apply what you learned. A must for any novice rootworker/practitioner.” — Julian D.

“Denise has done it again presenting an amazingly thought out course that instructs the ancient art and science of tried and true formulas. She also encourages students to experiment and create their own blends. No matter your tradition or path Denise’s courses can benefit your practice.” — Alex M.

“This was one of the best purchases I made this year! I’ve been trying to learn about Marie L. for years but it was hard to find information and the info I did find was dry and hard to get through. The course made the information fun, educational and easy to understand!” — Coral N.

Are you ready to arm yourself with the dual medicinal/magickal knowledge of conjure formulas?

Folk Magic Formulary: Oils, Ointments and Liniments is a course that describes and guides students towards the mechanics and basic concepts and philosophy of making magical oils, ointments and liniments in the Southern rootwork tradition. Class assignments are both written and applied. Topics covered include: Creating a family receipt book, techniques and recipes for making anointing and dressing oils, liniments, and ointments and more. Students learn the medicinal and magickal properties of all formulas. This is a ten day course with an exclusive website,

Don’t wait any longer! Sign up for this course. You will need a Facebook account to participate.

Price for one week, self paced instruction